Otto Bjornik is back with another commissioned project that involved a 3" Dunny and a 5" MAD*L. He tells us that the collector hinted that he would appreciate it more if the two toys were customized as a set... making it much easier to tell a story, and this is what Otto came up with: "
Meet the misanthropic dunny who spends most of his time scheming to rule the world. His foes call him the Angry Cyborg which provoked him even further to his maximum evil potential. To live up to his reputation, he plotted the alluring Evil Plan, a walking time bomb donned with a very shiny button that is too irresistible not to push. Unfortunately for him, the trigger is way too high for a dunny to reach. To his aghast, the unsuspecting dunnys are amused and not threatened at all. World peace wins the day." Each and every piece that he customizes totally blows me away, I love the grace and elegance that Otto is able to portray with each brush stroke, and that color pallet... so classy!!!
If you would like to follow the progress from Bjornik, be sure to visit his site HERE... some seriously fantastic work!